schematic from the web
schematic drawn by the students
Surely you desire truth in the inner parts; you teach me wisdom in the inmost place. Psalm 51:6
"What Happens to a Hamburger?" by Paul Showers
In class we learned that ...
- we don't have to get grossed out by our intestines
- our digestive system is pretty much one very large tube from our mouth down past our large intestine
- we have sphincters around the stomach to control flow
- the adult small intestine (SI) is about 2" in diameter and about 21' long
- the intestines have to be really smushed up in order to fit inside our body
- the fats and proteins in the chyme is further digested in the SI with the help of pancreas, liver and gall bladder
- vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates and fats are absorbed extensively in the SI
- food can stay in the SI for more than 4h to help facilitate the absorption process
- the inner surface of the SI is lined with finger-like projections (microvilli) to enhance the absorption process
- the nutrients are absorbed from the SI by lymph and blood vessels that look like more chicken feet
- eventually the blood will carry these nutrients to areas in our body of need
- the large intestine is about 3-4" in diameter and about 5' in length
- extra nutrients and water is absorbed in the large intestine
- another word for "poop" is feces or stool
Vocabulary words:
- intestines
- absorption
- sphincters
- pancreas
- liver
- gall bladder
- chyme
- microvilli
- feces
The server was too slow so we didn't watch these videos
Digestive System - Video 1 The Stages of Digestion - Video 2 Helpful Website:
KidshealthActivities to do at home:
To visually demonstrate how
1) the food is pushed through the intestines in a pulsatile motion
2) the nutrients and water are absorbed through the microvilli
3) undigested waste is noticeably less than the starting material
- Take some old porous nylon stockings and cut off one leg, leaving an opening at each end.
- Cook some instant oatmeal, about 2-3 cups and cool.
- Cover the area - things can get a bit messy.
- Pack the oatmeal into one end and gently squeeze the oatmeal from one end to the other end.
- The porous hose will allow nutrients to escape and by the time you've reached the other end, only noticeably smaller amount should be left to be dumped out.